Magnetic Field Models

  • Industry requests higher degree, smaller scale magnetic models:
    • Are these justified by the data available?
    • What are the associated reduction (or otherwise) in uncertainties?
    • What are the main sources of uncertainty and how to quantify them?
    • We examine and quantify the main sources of error:
      • (i) high degree crustal field and
      • (ii) spatial limitations of crustal field input data
      • (iii) forecasting uncertainty;
      • (iv) external field

High degree models (degree > 133)

  • Satellite data can be used to consistently model the field to degree 133 [wavelengths ~300 km]
  • Adding in ground aeromagnetic and marine surveys; Global grid compilations at 0.05°
  • Theoretical degree = 7200 [~4km]
  • Realistically, available memory/computation time are limiting factors e.g. 800--1440 [~28-50 km]
  • Look at errors in X, Y and Z (linear) and convert to Dec, Inc and Total Field (F) at the end
  • Use 95.4% CI divided by 2 = 1 sigma equivalent

Analysis in XYZ

  • Working with magnetic field values in X, Y and Z is linear
  • Computing errors and differences in DIF is non-linear (e.g. angles with cosine/sine, square roots)
  • Errors computed in XYZ and converted to DIF (using main field, H and F values) at the end  

Errors in magnetic data

  • Errors in magnetic data are not Gaussian
    • 1σ = 68.3%
    • 2 x 1σ = 95.4%
    • 3 x 1σ = 99.7%, etc
  • Usually, better described by Laplacian
    • 2 x 1σ ≠ 95.4%!
  • To compute confidence intervals: sort the residuals, then find the 68.3%, 95.4% values
  • Typically, CI 68.3% < 1σ; CI 95.4% > 2σ
  • To be conservative: use CI 95.4% divided by 2; call this a scalable 1 sigma equivalent


View the entire Presentation:

Quantifying Uncertainties in High-resolution Magnetic Field Models

Ciaran Beggan (Speaker), Susan Macmillan, Brian Hamilton, William Brown


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